This is a study of ear training through melodic development. Small melodic fragments from familiar nursery rhymes, folk, patriotic and hymns tunes are used. The numbers 1 through 7 are used instead of using “Do, Re, Mi…” to identify the notes in the scale. Melodies are categorized by range, beginning with a range of only three notes, progressing through a total of nine categories. Skills in ear training are highly useful to musicians who might be asked to take requests at hotels, parties and restaurants, or those involved in harp therapy. With the melodic fragments that are the focus of study, performance by ear can be highly strengthened and developed. 80 pages. EASY LEVER HARP.
Table of Contents:
All Through the Night, Amazing Grace, America, Angels from the Realms of Glory, Angels We Have Heard on High, Au Clare de la Lune, Away in a Manger, Be Thou My Vision, Billy Boy, Cindy, Clementine, Day is Done (Taps), Down in the Valley, Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes, For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow, Frere Jacques, Go Tell Aunt Rhody, Go Tell It On the Mountain, Goin’ Home, Good King Wenceslas, He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands, Here We Come A’Wassailing, Home on the Range, Home Sweet Home, Hot Cross Buns, I’m a Little Teapot, Jingle Bells, Joy to the World, Kumbayah, Lightly Row, London Bridge, Lonesome Valley, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Michael Row the Boat Ashore, Morning Has Broken, My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean, Ode to Joy, Oh Susanna, Oh How Lovely is the Evening, Old Folks at Home, Old Hundredth, On Top of Old Smokey, Over the River and Through the Woods, Row Row Row Your Boat, Shenandoah, Silent Night, Skip to my Lou, Swing Low Sweet Chariot, The Farmer in the Dell, The First Nowell, The Harp that Once Thro’ Tara’s Halls, The Star Spangled Banner, This Old Man, Three Blind Mice, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, We Wish You Merry Christmas, When the Saints Go Marching In.