Christmas Classics V 1


ALL HARPS SOLO, LATE INTERMEDIATE.  A wonderful collection of music, containing 10 elegant arrangements of melodies suitable for the Christmas season, and arranged in progressive key order by Darhon Rees-Rohrbacher for solo lever or pedal harp.  Please choose either Digital or Physical Version.

A very useful collection of music containing elegant arrangements of melodies suitable for the Christmas season, and arranged in key order so that the entire collection can be played as a continuous suite if desired.  Lever and pedal changes are well-planned and well-marked. Keys of F, C, G, and D major (or relative minors). Written in a good harpistic style and very enjoyable to play.  ALL HARPS, LATE INTERMEDIATE.

Table of Contents

  1. Pastoral Symphony [Messiah] (both a pedal harp and lever harp version)
  2. Ukrainian Bell Carol
  3. Silent Night, Holy Night
  4. The Coventry Carol
  5. Bring A Torch, Jeanette Isabella
  6. While By My Sheep
  7. Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
  8. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
  9. Still, Still, Still
  10. Gesu Bambino (both a pedal harp and lever harp version)
Physical or Digital

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