Gathering of Friends


INTERMEDIATE, ALL HARPS. Originals composed in honor of several of Carol Wood’s friends. The styles range from tango to Gregorian chant-like.

A Gathering of Friends was composed in honor of several of her friends. She is truly gifted with her ability to write music that seamlessly spans hundreds of years. The styles range from tango to Gregorian-chant like. Her short accounts of each original piece in the book can be found after the title in the table of contents, which give true meaning to the tune and make them more meaningful to play.

Table of Contents:

Cyanoblue Waltz – for John Metoyer; The Magician’s Birthday – for Ken Turner; Wise Woman Tango – for Linda Kleinschmidt; Walker in Two Worlds – for Manny Diaz; Miss Dondis and Miss Kelley; Processional – for Mary and Morri; Creole Girl Rag – for Pam Breaux; Planxty Neil Connelly; Equinox Lullaby – Dorian Vocalise for Tina; Quintessence – for Charles Coley; Romance for Flute and Harp – for John.

Weight .4 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 9 × .5 in