St. Melangell (pronounced MEL-an-GETH is the patron saint of hares and small animals. According to her legend, when her father wanted her to marry, she fled from Ireland to the lonely valley in North Wales where her sanctuary is found today. In the 7th century a Welsh prince of Powys was hunting a hare with his hounds and discovered the hare lying without fear under the hem of the garments of the saint, who was praying in a thicket of brambles and thorns. The prince was so moved by her piety and serenity that he had a sanctuary built for her “as a place of perpetual asylum, refuge, and defence.” Today her ancient and beautiful church is a place of quiet pilgrimage.
Saint Melangell
INTERMEDIATE PEDAL HARP – starting with plainchant, and in d minor modal. It is a theme with 7 variations (it ‘is’ a composition for a Welsh saint). It returns to the main theme and the final is a return to the plainchant in a solid 4/4.
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