A compilation of ideas, suggestions, and helpful hints from experienced harp teachers. Contributors to this book included Stephanie Curcio, Sue Richards, Kim Robertson, Ellen Tepper, Derek Bell, Liz Cifani, Wendy Kerner Lucas, Louise Trotter, and many more. It was compiled at the Professional Harpers Gathering on the East Coast in the early 1990’s. Sixteen chapters, well over 100 pages on standard sized paper! Includes a complete index. Although dated, this book remains an excellent resource for any teacher of harp.
Table of Contents:
The First Lesson, Group Lessons, Tuning, Relaxation, Theory, Practicing, Sightreading, Memorization, Musicality, Choosing Repertoire, Playing by Ear, Improvising, Sessions, Accompanying and Arranging, Orchestral Playing, Becoming a Confident Performer, Stage Deportment