In this book with sound files (CD or MP3), Louise shows her method of using chordal structure to create interesting arrangements. There are bass, melody and arpeggio patterns, and one page of suggested improvisational styles that you can put on your music stand for reference. INTERMEDIATE, ALL HARPS. The download is a zip folder that contains the sound files as mp3, and the PDF book. The paper version has a CD inside the back cover.
Table of Contents:
Suggestions for Getting Started, Bass and Melody Patterns, Etude 1 Reflections (two bass patterns), Etude 2 Aquamarine (arpeggios in 3 & 4-finger patterns), Etude 3 Mountain Trail (repetition, suspended chords), Etude 4 Alpine Lake (L.H. arpeggiated figure), Etude 5 Bluebonnet Waltz (stride bass in 1, 4, and 5 chords), Etude 6 Icy Stream (arpeggios in 1, 6, 2, 5 chords), Balloon Flight (interlocking hands), Etude 8 Kaleidoscope (intervals of 4th & quartal chords), Etude 9 Whirlpool (descending triplet figures), Etude 10 Foggy Dawn (L.H. melody, R.H. glisses), Etude 11 Gypsy Caravan (rhythmic, in key of E minor), Etude 12 Prairie Mirage (piece using several techniques)