For many years Afghan Press Music for the Harp has enjoyed working with Jeanette van Nieulande, owner of a wonderful harp store in The Netherlands. Jeanette tells a a little about her store – enjoy this short article by a delightful harp store owner!
The shop was created by my search for a new lever harp for myself. I had a certain sound ideal in my head. Nice bass, but also good sounding high strings. I made a whole trip through Europe. Tried a lot of harps. Ultimately, on the advice of an American who lived in Utrecht, I ordered a Dusty Strings harp without having heard of it. According to him, this harp had the sound I was looking for. I think that was in 2002. When I was able to pick up the harp at the airport, I couldn’t wait to hear it. But first drive home and tune a lot. And yes, I was so happy with this harp. I then wrote to Dusty Strings saying that it was such a shame that these harps are not for sale in Europe. Maybe I could help with the promotion in Europe. Of course, I expected a message along the lines of ‘that’s not necessary’, but they responded very enthusiastically. But then I had to start a shop myself. At that time, I had a completely different job, I was involved in zoning plans at the municipality. But it felt like a fantastic opportunity and challenge. I started with two harps in my living room, now it is a large shop located in a former church. I now sell harps from Dusty Strings, Salvi, Lyon&Healy, Killarney, Pepe Weissgerber and Hummingbird. I am still very happy with my Dusty Strings FH36S harp. I will never get rid of this one, we have a special bond. This harp has completely changed my life, in a very positive way.
I have two employees in the store, Janneke and Mariëlle. Both are enthusiastic amateur harp players. They help me with webshop orders, advising customers in the store, tuning harps, organizing sheet music, booking strings and many more chores that come with a harp shop. Our harp repairman Jos also comes to the store almost every week. He regulates and repairs customers’ harps. I do everything myself. Buying, selling, website, arranging everything, the store is my baby. A lot of work, but it doesn’t feel like work. I never say ‘I’m going to work’ in the morning. I am also an amateur harpist. The store is a pleasant result of an out-of-control hobby.
I sometimes perform myself, but not with the harp. I am a recorder player. I play in three groups and I really enjoy it. With the recorder I want to reach the highest possible level that is achievable for me. I don’t have that feeling with the harp, I just enjoy playing the harp. I also play the nyckelharpa. A Swedish instrument. A very nice instrument. It is quite unknown, a kind of small viola with push buttons. And I also play the cello at a somewhat lower level.
In my store I have customers from all over Europe. Of course, a lot from the Netherlands, but also a lot from Germany, Belgium and Scandinavia. I’m expecting someone from Ireland soon. I always feel honoured that customers come to me from so far away.
We indeed speak Dutch in the Netherlands. Just a few fun words you can try to pronounce:
Soundboard = klankbord
Shop = winkel
Tuning key = stemsleutel
Lever harp = haakjesharp
Sheet music = bladmuziek
Wood = hout
Tuning = stemmen
Gut = darm
String = snaar
The name of my shop is De Zingende Snaar. That means The Singing String.
You can find my shop in Rhenen, that is in the centre of The Netherlands, below Utrecht.
Harpwinkel De Zingende Snaar
Koningin Elisabethplantsoen 5A
The Netherlands
Everyone is welcome to come and take a look. We have many harps, but also sheet music (including from Afghan Press), trolleys, music stands, tuners, many strings, etc.