Arts and Letters


ALL HARPS INTERMEDIATE TO LOWER INTERMEDIATE  –   original songs in a variety of styles based on translating the English alphabet into the western music alphabet. Depending on your choice, you will either receive a physical Book/CD combination via USPS, or a downloaded PDF book with mp3 sound files.  These songs are creative and expressive.

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Patricia Lee Ruston

1940 –2010

Patricia Rushton was a forward-thinking, traditional music and Celtic harp lover. She loved finding nearly forgotten music and bringing the almost lost melodies into today with her own contemporary arrangements. She also performed, taught and wrote music of her own in Santa Barbara, California. This Arts & Letters collection includes many of Patricia’s original music that are based on a simple technique that translates the English alphabet into the western music alphabet. She used this technique as a source of inspiration for each of the tunes in this collection.

Table of Contents

The Technique




Carolynian Air

Catha’s Hornpipe

Dr. Joe in F

Ejé Invention

Ejé’s Song

The Farris Transition

Joe’s Jig in G

Mother’s Lullaby

Norman and Patricia

Norman and Patricia Harp (L hand L speaker, R hand R speaker)

Norman and Patricia Cello (Harp L speaker, Cello R speaker)

Planxty Harriet


Robert’s Roost

Robin’s Hood

The Last Letter

From Eje Lynn-Jacobs: Arts & Letters is the final of three publications for harp music compiled by Patricia Lee Rushton. Open the Door Softly (2005) is Patricia’s first CD and

songbook publication, and Songs for the Small Harp (2011) is a songbook collection of arrangements that Patricia wrote for the small harp. This third book

introducing Patricia’s original music has been a labor of love for me, and the fulfillment of a promise that I made to Patricia near the end of her life. It is my

honor to present her music to the world.

In addition to the computer-generated play-along CD that accompanies this book, (or the PDF download book with mp3 sound files), Patricia’s music from Arts & Letters is available as acoustically performed sound recordings using a collection of excellent musicians from across California. You can purchase the “live” Arts & Letters CD on iTunes,  and other music retail outlets.

All of Patricia’s proceeds from the recordings and songbooks go to the Patricia Rushton Harp Scholarship Fund. Ejé Lynn-Jacobs | Sound Transformation Network |

If you purchase the PDF/MP3 combination, it is zipped into a folder containing the sound files and the digital book.  This folder is 91MB.  Please be aware of its size.

Weight .6 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 9 × .5 in