An elegant version of the ever popular and requested Greensleeves. Also a favorite during the winter holidays. Middle section of this arrangement has a nicely moving left hand line which adds interest to the melody. This section, with moving LH, is not necessarily easy. Toward the end there are majestic chords, and the final section is 8va. In the key of A minor, no accidentals. The last few bars contain a low A which is not on most lever harps. Although it can be revoiced, doing this would take away from the pedal point effect, so it is recommended to play this arrangement on pedal harp or harp with low A such as the Triplett Premier/Eclipse or the newer L&H Preludes. Two pages. INTERMEDIATE PEDAL HARP
Greensleeves (Williams)
INTERMEDIATE PEDAL HARP An elegant version of the ever popular and requested Greensleeves. Also a favorite during the winter holidays. Middle section of this arrangement has a nicely moving left hand line which adds interest to the melody. This is the PDF download version.