The Montecito Suite


INTERMEDIATE, ALL HARPS.  A very beautiful collection of impressionistic-type selections.  Details below with TWO videos.

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Please enjoy the YouTube of “Treasure of San Ysidro” below

A very beautiful collection of impressionistic-type selections. A more diverse work, the left hand accompaniment is more developed than most of Mr. Mahan’s selections. C and F levers required. Montecito Morning is in the key of D, 2 pages, with lovely embellished 7th harmonies. Walking Down Butterfly Lane is very easy to play, but the harmonies make up for the simplicity. Treasure of San Ysidro has a mysterious sound to it. Key of A minor with a variety of rhythmic changes throughout, an interesting composition to play. Canyon has a breezy feel to it, key of C, with an easy left hand. Lotusland as another mysterious sounding composition in the key of B minor, switching back and forth from ¾ to 6/8. Montecito Moon in ¾, key of C has a busy left hand, full rolled chords in the right hand along with moving eighth notes. A View from Eucalyptus Hill is my favorite, just a lovely melody with a variety of left hand changes throughout. Moves from ¾ to 4/4 and back to ¾. Key of C. Book/CD combination is available with electronically generated CD.

Table of Contents:

Montecito Morning, Walking Down Butterfly Lane, The Treasure of San Ysidro, Canyon, Lotusland, Montecito Moon, The View from Eucalyptus Hill

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