The Faces of Melody’s Part 2

The Faces of Melody's - the publishing part

The Faces of Melody’s – The Publishing Part

We represent about 80 composers and arrangers. I’m not really sure how that happened. I believe because John is so stalwart about the business, people like Ray Pool, Kathryn Cater, Pamela Bruner, Darhon Rees-Rohrbacher and more have trusted us to print their music and make sure it is always available to anyone who wishes to purchase it.  AP (Afghan Press) music is available from a list of stores that can be found on our publishing website:

Our publishing company and our business are named after  Afghan Hounds that first graced our lives: Mastafha and Melody.  After they passed we joined a club and were on the rescue team. John got called out to a particularly bad situation which is how we adopted Augusta (bottom right of the dog pictures). After Afghan Hounds we adopted a Golden Retriever who contracted erlichiosis and had heart disease. He died too young and we were devastated. To make up for that void, we adopted more and at one point we had 8 dogs. Since we have a big yard (they only went in the yard supervised by us), we felt it was OK. As we have gotten older, we find that we are unable to handle the “loss” of these beings, and therefore now we have one foster Golden and one cat. They are pictured at the very bottom of this page.

Melody as a puppy
Mary and Melody around 1988
Mastafha, John's first Afghan rescue
Melody and Moja
John with puppy Melody
Melody and Mastafha
Music Therapy - Mendelssohn (black dog), foster Ranger Roo Roo (dark red on left), Joey on right and Spirit/Sassy furthest from John.
John with Hank (floor), Andy (furthest away) and Flounder.
John with his adoring Augusta

That being said, the role John plays in the publishing portion of our business is that of printer, binder, order-taker, royalty tracker and packer. Oh – and printer repair guy. We have 2 old printers for the color covers and they have run out of warranty, so John is able to patch them when necessary. He also monitors the large Canon printer which we rent, and orders plastic spirals for binding.

Boxes of Spirals
Spirals and the special spiral clipper (left)
The East Wall of Afghan Press Music books
Barbara Semmann's music
Boxes of Darhon's Yankee Digxe Johnnie above more spirals
The South Wall contains mostly Meg Robinson's and Sharon Thormalen's music
The big Canon that we rent
Two old color printers for covers only
Two Rhino hole punchers. The one on the left is the newer of the two and can punch 20 pieces of paper or more. The one on the right is the first one we purchased, which lasted almost 20 years after many repairs by John. It is used exclusively now for spiraling. The roller pulls the spirals through the books. The spirals are then crimped with a special tool that looks like a regular pliers but absolutely is not.

When we receive an order (from a store) for music, it is packed the same day and shipped either same day or the next day. An exception might be when Jeannette in The Netherlands places an order, usually it is about 40 pounds and has to be pulled and checked very carefully. Jeannette’s website is here:

Mary built both and  Some of you may recall that both sites were hacked early 2020 and needed to be completely rebuilt from scratch.  She also puts up new titles and makes sure they are on Sheet Music Plus, Harp Column Music, and the Melody website (, and keeps stores apprised of new publications. Other duties: editing in Finale or Personal Composer, typesetting, proofing, creating covers, making the paper versions into digital versions. Sometimes dealing with copyright issues. Currently in the queue is an ensemble book by Mary Muckle. We are working through the final corrections. Astrid Walschot-Stapp is coming out with compositions for both pedal and lever harp. We are awaiting a cover for her latest effort. We just finished Megan Metheney’s Elles. Making 11×17 inserts is really a challenge, especially for a dyslexic person. Spiral books are much easier. Social media is also on Mary’s list, but it’s not a favorite.

Mary recently gave a workshop at Somerset about publishing. You are welcome to the handout –  Somerset Workshop Publication Radspinner June 22.

We also have a very old wordpress publishing blog that you are welcome to look at. Basically the handout above contains the information that is in the blog, but it is updated.

Below is a listing of Afghan Press Music for the Harp Artists and the number of publications they have entrusted us with.

Anderson, Jeanie (8 Products)
Avesian, Holly (11 Products)
Baxter, Becky (3 PRODUCTS)
Berman-Harris, Ruth (6 PRODUCTS)
Biery, Marilyn (1 PRODUCT)
Blevins, Cindy (1 PRODUCT)
Bruner, Pamela (7 PRODUCTS)
Buchanan, Laurie (1 PRODUCT)
Buehler, Jennifer (1 PRODUCT)
Callison, Hugh (6 PRODUCTS)
Castiglioni, Evelyn Tiffany (17 PRODUCTS)
Cater, Kathryn (21 PRODUCTS)
Collins, Lui (1 PRODUCT)
Debrita, Linda (4 PRODUCTS)
Dobyns, Whitney (Cairns) (1 PRODUCT)
Dorian, Pamela (2 PRODUCTS)
Drake, Charlene (1 PRODUCT)
Fickle, Robin Arioto (5 PRODUCTS) Paper Version Only
Govenor, Deborah (3 PRODUCTS)
Griffith, Amy (1 PRODUCT)
Guy, Stanley (2 PRODUCTS)
Hamilton, Rita (2 PRODUCTS)
Harmon, Danielle (6 PRODUCTS)
Hill, Steve (3 PRODUCTS)
Hines, John (1 PRODUCT)
Honey, Therese (3 PRODUCTS)
Hurrell, Nancy (7 PRODUCTS)
Jaeger, Patricia (1 PRODUCT)
Jenkins, Anna Thormahlen(6 PRODUCTS)
Jennings, Jan (1 PRODUCT)
Johnson, Julianne (1 PRODUCT)
Kolle, Beth (8 PRODUCTS)
Koskelin, Susan (1 PRODUCT)
Landy, Mitch (62 PRODUCTS)
Larkin, Linda (4 PRODUCTS)
Lloyd, Mary (Richards) (8 PRODUCTS)
Lunsford, Reba (9 PRODUCTS)
Mahan, William (21 PRODUCTS)
McGaughey, Fran (1 PRODUCT)
Meis, Joanne (2 PRODUCTS)
Metheney, Megan (2 PRODUCTS)
Moring, Delores (1 PRODUCT)
Muckle, Mary (5 PRODUCTS)
Myrow, Beverly (6 PRODUCTS)
Nelson, Ken (2 PRODUCTS)
Ohms, Pam (7 PRODUCTS)
Owens, Dewey (3 PRODUCTS)
Peekstok, John (1 PRODUCT)
Perreten, Sally (3 PRODUCTS)
Perry, I. Mac (1 PRODUCT)
Pershan, Claire (2 PRODUCTS)
Pinet, Michele (1 PRODUCT)
Pinkston, Daniel (2 PRODUCTS)
Pinto, Francis (1 PRODUCT)
Pool, Ray (20 PRODUCTS)
Poppe, Phyllis (1 PRODUCT)
Radspinner, Mary (12 PRODUCTS)
Rees-Rohrbacher, Darhon (38 PRODUCTS)
Rice, Joyce (16 PRODUCTS)
Richards, Sue (4 PRODUCTS)
Riley, Laurie (7 PRODUCTS)
Robertson, Kim (2 PRODUCTS)
Robinson, Meg (28 PRODUCTS)
Rushton, Patricia (3 PRODUCTS)
Schafer, Andrea (1 PRODUCT)
Semmann, Barbara (17 PRODUCTS)
Simpson, Alaine (1 PRODUCT)
Staneslow, Sunita (8 PRODUCTS)
Stevens, Lucy (1 PRODUCT)
Stork, Diana (3 PRODUCTS)
Sullivan, David (1 PRODUCT)
Tait, Carolyn (2 PRODUCTS)
Tepper, Ellen (7 PRODUCTS)
Thormahlen, Sharon (20 PRODUCTS)
Trotter, Louise (40 PRODUCTS)
Vidrine, Bette (1 PRODUCT)
Walschot-Stapp, Astrid (2 PRODUCTS)
Weaver, Joyce (14 PRODUCTS)
Wentz, Paula (1 PRODUCT)
Williams, David (1 PRODUCT)
Williams, James (1 PRODUCT)
Wood, Carol (17 PRODUCTS)
Wright, Barbara (2 PRODUCTS)

Our Current Family Members

Suki, rescued from a cat shelter
Kennedy, permanent foster from Golden Beginnings Golden Retriever Rescue